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1957 |
Click here for more events and music of 1957:
10/4/1957 Russian Sputnik 1 launched. |
1958 |
Click here for more events and music of 1958:
1/31/1958 U. S. Explorer 1 launched. |
1959 |
Click here for more events and music of 1959:
1/3/1959 Alaska is admitted to the Union. |
8/21/1959 Hawaii is admitted to the Union. |
1960 |
Click here for more events and music of 1960:
5/1/1960 U2 plane shot down. |
1960's Kennedy - Nixon debates. |
Fall 1960 New Lexington High School opens. |
11/8/1960 Kennedy wins election. |
1961 |
Click here for more events and music of 1961:
4/12/1961 Yuri Gagarin became the first person to orbit Earth. |
4/17/1961 Bay of Pigs. |
5/5/1961 (Friday) Alan B. Shepard, Jr., first American in space - "Freedom 7" - 9:34 am. |
8/13/1961 The Berlin Wall is started. It won't come down until 11/9/1989. |
10/1/1961 Roger Maris hits 61st homer. |
12/11/1961 First U.S. troops (advisors) arrive in Vietnam. |
1962 |
Click here for more events and music of 1962:
2/20/1962 (Tuesday) John H. Glenn, Jr., orbits the earth - "Friendship 7" - 9:47 am. |
10/2/1962 Johnny Carson replaces Jack Parr on the Tonight Show. |
10/22/1962 - 10/27/1962 Cuban missile crisis. |
1963 |
Click here for more events and music of 1963:
6/17/1963 Prayer in public schools declared unconstitutional by Supreme Court. |
6/26/1963 Kennedy visits Berlin. |
8/28/1963 Civil Rights march on Washington. "I have a dream" |
11/22/1963 (Friday) Kennedy assassinated. |
11/24/1963 Jack Ruby assassinates Lee Harvey Oswald on live TV. |
1964 |
Click here for more events and music of 1964:
7/2/1964 Civil Rights Act signed into law. |
8/7/1964 Gulf of Tonkin Resolution. |
11/3/1964 Johnson wins reelection. |
1965 |
Click here for more events and music of 1965:
3/8/1965 Combat troops arrive in Vietnam. |
6/3/1965 Edward H. White, Jr. - Gemini 4 - first U.S. spacewalk. |
1966 |
Click here for more events and music of 1966:
6/13/1966 Supreme Court rules on Miranda rights. |
7/1/1966 Medicare enrollments begin. Commissioner Bob Ball outlines SSA's plans for implementation. |
10/26/1966 U. S. aircraft carrier Oriskany caught fire in Gulf on Tonkin and 43 died. |
1967 |
Click here for more events and music of 1967:
1/15/1967 First Super Bowl - Green Bay beat Kansas City. |
1/27/1967 Apollo fire - Roger B. Chaffee, Virgil "Gus" Grissom, and Edward H. White, Jr. |
6/5/1967 - 6/10/1967 6 day war - Israel. |
1968 |
Click here for more events and music of 1968:
1/31/1968 Tet Offensive. |
4/4/1968 Martin Luther King, Jr., assassinated. |
6/5/1968 Robert Kennedy assassinated. |
8/20/1968 Russia invades Czechoslovakia. |
8/28/1968 Democratic National Convention - Chicago, Illinois. |
11/5/1968 Nixon wins election. |
1969 |
Click here for more events and music of 1969:
7/18/1969 Senator Edward Kennedy - Mary Jo Kopechne - Chappaquiddick Island. |
7/20/1969 U.S. lands Neil A. Armstrong and Edwin E. "Buzz" Armstrong aboard the "Eagle" on the moon - 4:18 pm EDT. Michael Collins orbits above. At 10:56 pm the "Giant Leap" takes place. |
8/15/1969 - 8/17/1969 Woodstock. |